English CV


Birth date: 4th  September 1955

E mail: carmineguarino.md@gmail.com

Medical Director of Ministry of Health



High School Diploma in 1974;

Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 1981;

Medical License, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 1981;

Specialisation in General Pathology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”;

Fluency in the English and the French language.



Contract Professor in Experimental Pharmacology, University of Pavia, from 1992 to 1996;



·         Director of the Centre “ONDICO” of the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), notified body for the CE certification of medical devices, from the 1st October 2011 to the 29th February 2016. Within this executive position – with related direction and management of staff and economic resources – was responsible for the evaluation of experimental technical dossiers and for the direction of researchers’ activities;

·         Director of the Legal Medical Department of the Ministry of Health from the 1th February 2007 to the 30th September 2011. Within the scope of this executive position, he operated in connection with the Regional Jurisdictional Sections of the Court of Auditors, with the State Attorney and with the National Institute of Health. He chaired the medical-legal colleges for the evaluation of the professional responsibilities of doctors in the legal cases concerning the service of public administrations’ employees and the appeals of the victims from transfusions and vaccinations. He was a member of the commission for the stipulation of transactions related to damages from infected blood and vaccinations;

·         Director of the Department for the Relations with the European Council of the Ministry of Health from the 1st January 2006 to the 31st January 2007. In the context of this management position, participated at the meetings of the Health Ministers’ Council of the European Union (EPSCO) in Luxembourg, followed the reunions of the Working Party on Public Health in Brussels and took part, as Italian expert, in the drafting of the European Public Health Program. Delegated by the Italian Ministry of Health to the OECD (Paris) and the WHO (Geneva);

·         Director of the Central Office for Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of the Ministry of Health from the 1st January 2004 to the 31st December 2005. Within this function, he evaluated and authorized over 500 new experimental protocols elaborated by Italian, European and US universities, managed controls on the production of narcotics used in therapies, processed seizures of medical devices and classified new substances, preparing the inclusion decrees for the tables published on the Italian Official Gazette. He participated in Brussels to the drafting of the regulations governing the production and trade, in the European Union, of drugs based on psychotropic substances. Italian delegate to Washington for the “Prisma project” on the precursors of first category;

·         Director of the Department for the Issue of Authorizations for Medicines’ Production of the Ministry of Health from 1999 to 2003. Within this role, he controlled and supervised drugs, medical devices, biocides and cosmetics. He issued authorizing decrees to the workshops producing medical specialties, pharmacologically active raw materials, medicinal gases and homeopathic products. He ordered revocations, seizures, suspensions of non-compliant commercialized medicinal specialties and managed inspections within all the 432 activities operating throughout the country. Coordinated the International Rapid Alert System for drugs. As Italian expert for the EMEA – today EMA, London – he was also responsible for the evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals;

·         Director of the Health Border Office of the Ministry of Health from 1995 to 1999. As part of this position, he supervised the international prophylaxis, the control of health products and the prevention of diseases from abroad. Working in close connection with the National Institute of Health and the Carabinieri (NAS Unit), he issued Environmental Hygiene Ordinances and the rejection of foreign non-compliant drugs;

·         Medical Director of Ministry of Health for the evaluation of clinical trials of new medicines in Italy and in foreign countries from 1984 to 1995. In the context of this assignment, he evaluated the new drugs’ trials, conducted in Italian and foreign universities. Italian delegate at the CPMP in Brussels for the judgment of experimental studies concerning the pharmacodynamics, the pharmacokinetics, the bioavailability, the bioequivalence, the mutagenesis, the carcinogenesis, the efficacy and the tolerability of new medical specialties; Carried out many inspections in workshops to ascertain the compliance with the good manufactory practices for drugs and followed the works of the General Assembly of the Italian Superior Council of Health.



·         Inclusive Director of the USMAF (Maritime, air and border health offices) and SASN (Territorial services for health assistance to seafarers, pilots and cabin crew) department for Lazio, Marche, Umbria, Abruzzo and Molise regions, which is structured in eleven offices throughout central Italy, since the 1st of March 2016;

·         As USMAF Director, he is in charge for the surveillance on the international prophylaxis and for the controls on incoming foreign goods, with particular reference to drugs, blood products, chemicals, hazardous substances, food and medical devices from non-EU countries;

·         As SASN Director, manages the Health Center Network of the Ministry of Health that provides general and specialist health assistance to pilots, flight attendants and seafarers.



·         "Elaborazione di linee guida per la progettazione, lavorazione ed utilizzo di glucometri e auto-iniettori di medicinali";

·         "Studio sulle nano-particelle di argento";

·         "Elaborazione di Linee guida per la valutazione di gas medicali classificabili come dispositivi medici";

·         "Studio del fenomeno della contraffazione nel settore dei dispositivi medici", in collaboration with the University of Catania;

·         "Valutazione dell'effetto barriera esercitato da prodotti classificabili come dispositivi medici", in collaboration with University of Milan;

·         "Studio dei metodi per la valutazione della shelf-life dei dispositivi medici";

·         "Studio sui residui dei dispositivi medici dopo interventi chirurgici";

·         "Problematiche connesse agli aspetti regolatori, sanitari e legali relativi ai materiali assemblati acquistati ed utilizzati presso le strutture ospedaliere";

·         "Identificazione di allergeni in alcune categorie di prodotti di interesse sanitario";



·         Guarino C., Le sindromi diseritropoietiche, La Nuova Stampa Medica Italiana, 1981, vol. 1-n.4 pagg.201-205;

·         Ferrante N., Guarino C., Recenti acquisizioni sui prodotti di usura e biodegradazione delle artroprotesi metalloplastiche, La Nuova Stampa Medica Italiana, 1982, vol. 2-n.2 pagg 5-9;

·         Recchioni F., Guarino C., Cannizzaro G., Ferrante N., Nostra esperienza sulle reazioni causate dai detriti nelle protesi metallo-metalliche, Medicina Contemporanea, 1982, vol. 1-n.3 pagg. 41-44;

·         Recchioni F., Guarino C., Cannizzaro G., Ferrante N., Moderni aspetti sul trattamento chirurgico del piede piatto valgo, La Stampa Medica Europea, 1982, vol.2-n.5 pagg. 25-29;

·         Campione B., Caroli G., Guarino C., Disinfettanti, Prontuario Commentato, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 1995;

·         Veneroni G., Veneroni F., Contos S., Tripodi S., De Bernardi M., Guarino C., Marletta M., Effect of a new chitosan on hyperlipidemia and overweight in obese patients, Chitin Enzymology, vol.2, 1996, pagg. 63-68;

·         Girola M., De Bernardi M., Contos S., Tripodi S., Ventura P., Guarino C., Marletta M., Dose effect in lipid-lowering activity of a new dietary integrator (chitosan, Garcinia cambogia extract and chrome), Acta Toxicologica et Therapeutica, Vol. XVII, n.1, 1996, pagg. 25-40;

·         Guarino C., Sperimentazione delle sostanze psicotrope, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento Nazionale per le Politiche Antidroga, IV Conferenza Nazionale sui Problemi Connessi alla Diffusione delle Sostanze Stupefacenti e Psicotrope, 2005, Atti della Conferenza;

·         Tomassini C., Guarino C., Rosati M., Considerazioni medico legali in tema di ricorso per dipendenza da causa di servizio di affezioni osteo-articolari, Jura Medica, 2011, Vol. XXIV, n.1 pagg.49-75;

·         Barracchini A., Guarino C., Triggiani L., Bevere F., Palumbo F., Methodology of asbestos exposure risk assessment among workers of the Italian State Railway Company, The ASTM Johnson Conference July 25-29, 2011 University of Vermont Burlington (USA);

·         Marchei E.,De Orsi D.,Guarino C., Dorato S., Pacifici R.and Pichini S., Measurement of iodide and caffeine content in cellulite reduction cosmetic products sold in the european market, Analytical Methods, 2013, 5, 376-383;

·         Alberto Renzoni, Antonia Pirrera, Francesco Novello, Daniela De Orsi e Carmine Guarino, Metodi e preparati utilizzati per la rimozione dei tatuaggi, Notiziario dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Novembre 2012, vol.25, n.11, pagg 3-6;

·         C. Romanelli, R. Marcoaldi, C. Guarino, L. Gramiccioni, Proposta di Regolamento CE per i Dispositivi Medici - Novità sulla classificazione, Simposio AFI, Atti del Convegno, 2013, Rimini;

·         Lara Gianni, Carmine Guarino e Iolanda Palmieri: La gestione dei medicinali look-alike sound-alike, Ragiufarma, Rassegna Giuridico Farmaceutica, n. 134, marzo-aprile 2013, pagg. 6-9;

·         Manuela Pellegrini, Daniela De Orsi, Carmine Guarino, Maria Concetta Rotolo, Rita di Giovannandrea, Roberta Pacifici and Simona Pichini, Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Caffeine in Caffeine-Laced Pants and in Urine and Skin of a Pants User, Cosmetics 2014, 1(2), 82-93;

·         Carmine Guarino, Proposal for a new regulation on medical devices, Human Being, vol. 1/2014, pagg. 3-6;

·         C. Guarino, C. Romanelli, R. Marcoaldi, S. Pieretti, L. Gramiccioni, Sperimentazione clinica e valutazioni dei Dispositivi Medici, Poster 54° Simposio AFI, Rimini, 2014;

·         R. Pignatello, V. Panto', L. Basile, A. Leonardi, C. Guarino, and C. La Rosa, Characterization of micellar systems produced by new amphiphilic conjugates of poly(ethylene glycol), Drug Developmente and Industrial Pharmacy. Vol.40(11), pags 1463-1467, 2014;

·         Cristina Romanelli, Cinzia Grasso, Carmine Guarino, Products of Industries, Water Treatment Systems as Safeguard Against Pathogens. Scientific Symposium: Small solutions for big water-related problems, Rome, 26-28 october 2014, Abstract book. Roma, Istituto Superiore di Sanità;

·         Loredana Musmeci, Laura Mancini, Stefania Marcheggiani, Cinzia Grasso, Cristina Romanelli, Carmine Guarino, Le acque utilizzate nell'industria dei Dispositivi Medici, Notiziario dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, volume 28, numero 3, Roma, marzo 2015;

·         Alberto Renzoni, Antonia Pirrera, Francesco Novello, Maria Simonetta Diamante, Carmine Guarino, Implementation of European Council Resolution ResAP(2008)1 in Italy, National and Regional Regulation of Tattoo Practices: Diversity and Challenges;

·         J. Serup, N.Kluger, W. Baumler (eds), Tattooed Skin and Health. Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 48, pp 201 - 205 (DOI: 10.1159/000369228);

·         L. Mancini, C. Romanelli, S. Marchegiani, C. Grasso, L. Musmeci, C. Guarino, Linea Guida italiana sugli aspetti microbiologici delle acque utilizzate nell'industria dei dispositivi medici, Sito Ufficiale del Ministero della Salute, anno 2015;

·         Emilia Marchei, Daniela De Orsi, Carmine Guarino, Maria Concetta Rotolo, Silvia Graziano and Simona Pichini, High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Measurement of Bimatoprost, Latanoprost and Travoprost in Eyelash Enhancing Cosmetic Serums, Cosmetics 2016,3,4, doi:10.3390/cosmetics3010004-published 6 February 2016;

·         D. Amadori, G. Corgatelli, C. Daniele, C. Guarino et al., Codice di Etica dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, settore attività editoriali Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 2015.


Rome, 3.10.2018           

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